
SKU: KB38563
DragonCapture has been designed to assist you in dictating into non–Select-and-Say applications, but unlike the classical Dictation Box, it provides an out of focus box which captures your dictation while you are in the target application.
Price: $49.99
Product Details

The New Frontier of the Dictation Box - See DragonCapture Video

NOTE: DragonCapture can only be used in DMPE 4, DPI/DLI 15 and DPG/DLG/DLE 15. It cannot be used in previous versions of Dragon or cloud versions (DPA, DMO)

DragonCapture has been designed to assist you in dictating into non Select-&-Say (open ended text) applications, but unlike the classical Dictation Box, it provides an out of focus box which captures your dictation while you are in the target application.

The entire workflow is fully automated and requires only minimal user interaction. DragonCapture is loaded by Dragon automatically, whenever Dragon is launched or a user profile is loaded, running along with Dragon and ready to be used.

When you start dictating, and if you are in a non-compatible application, DragonCapture will automatically redirect your dication to its box, and format it appropriately, as long as you keep dictating.

When finished, just say "Paste Box” to transfer the contents of the box to your current location (caret position). The box will be cleared, but not closed, so you may just continue using it, until you say "Hide Box”. â€" "Show Box” will bring it up again then.

This is why it is also referred to as the "Remote & Continuous Dictation Box”. Saying "Paste Box with Space” will prepend a space, but this isn’t always required, as DragonCapture may already handle it, so watch out for this.

If a mistake has been made, say "undo that” â€" "Restore Box” and start again.

If you want to edit the contents of the box prior to transferring it, you need to activate the box first by saying "Edit Box”. Before pasting it over to the target application, you will need to switch back to it, however.

That’s because "Paste Box” cannot be used inside the box, as DragonCapture wouldn’t know where to paste it. (To some extent, you can even remote edit the box, but be warned that you may get undefined behavior when doing so.)

Additionally, a copy of the box contents will always be in the clipboard whenever the box is cleared, either by executing "Paste Box” or by clearing it at will by saying "Clear Box”. Therefore, the previous contents of the box can easily be retrieved by saying "Restore Box” at any time, or pasted just anywhere by calling the clipboard directly.

With "AutoPaste” switched on, every utterance will be transferred instantly whenever you pause (at the end or your utterance), and with no further interaction required. Some of the features described above are obviously not available in this mode, though.

Lastly, when invoking "TypeMode”, transferring the text will not be facilitated by cutting and pasting, but by simulating keystrokes instead.

And finally, if you want to terminate DragonCapture during the Dragon session, say "Shut Down DragonCapture”, or use the menu. To start it again, the user profile must be reloaded or Dragon must be restarted.

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