SpeechWare TravelMike (Model 2024)

SKU: KB06789345
2nd Generation SpeechWare TravelMike
Price: $299.00
SpeechWare TravelMike (Model 2024)
SpeechWare TravelMike (Model 2024)
SpeechWare TravelMike (Model 2024)
SpeechWare TravelMike (Model 2024)
SpeechWare TravelMike (Model 2024)
SpeechWare TravelMike (Model 2024)
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Product Details


SpeechWare TravelMike SN
Accuracy: 10
Noise Filtering: 7
Comfort: 10
Overall: 10
Pros: Up to a 30 inch range with Dragon 13 Far Field algorithms/auto volume control
Cons: None

SpeechWare of Brussels, designers and makers of the renowned TableMike family of Desktop
microphones is proud to officially announce the launching of the 2nd
Gen. MINI DESKTOP, SNUB-NOSED AND PORTABLE microphone in the market for tablets and

Next to the very successful Standard USB TravelMike (UTM), the new SpeechWare USB
TravelMike Base (UTM + B) priced at USD 299 is composed of:

a. The well-known USB MultiAdapter, the only USB Audio adapter in the market
featuring both normal (for headsets) and long-range (for the TravelMike) dictation

b. A mini snub-nosed microphone with the same capsule as the TableMikes, to plug into
the USB MultiAdapter, with a windshield (a spare one is also bundle)

c. A special 90° and rigid USB connector to plug the USB MultiAdapter into any tablet or
d. A USB type C adapter for the aforementioned connector, for MacBook users and new

Windows laptops only featuring this interface:

e. A proprietary four (4) ports USB hub, referred as the Base, because it can also be
used as a stand for the USB MultiAdapter

f. A very practical plastic case for easy storage and traveling.

Regarding the proprietary USB hub or Base, it features:
1. A hiding 20 cm long USB cable around it
2. One fastest speed USB 3.0 port out of the four available
3. One 5 v. power jack for external hard disk or any other high consumption peripheral
connected to the hub, in case of low-power from the computer.

Since the USB MultiAdapter features the same electronics as the renowned TableMikes but
in a very small footprint and the mini snub-nosed microphone the same capsule, performance
should be virtually identical or even a little better as we constantly improve performance of
the new generation of our products to match the latest versions of Dragon.

In practice, any user of the SpeechWare USB TravelMikes should experience:

ï‚· Impressive accuracy, when dictating under Green LED and even as far away as to 50
cm or more from the mini snub-nosed microphone tip, depending on the user
voice volume and background noise levels

ï‚· Lowest possible latency, with instantaneous transcription of the dictation as the high
quality built-in electronics relieves Dragon of any post processing or additional burden

ï‚· Amazing portability

The Director of SpeechWare, J.M. Boccio, firmly believes that after creating a whole new
category of microphones a couple of years ago with the release of the Standard USB
TravelMike (UTM) for tablets and laptops, this new 2nd . Gen. model, the USB TravelMike +
Base being officially introduced today, will encourage many more people to use Dragon
NaturallySpeaking on the move with outstanding portability, convenience and performance.


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"TravelMike Impressions"

John Harrington on 9/12/2014 3:57:35 PM

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Review Description: A day ago, I received the TravelMike I ordered from KnowBrainer to replace my six-year-old Revolab xTag. Great recommendation on your part; a very substantial improvement in voice recognition accuracy and ambient noise cancellation, while retaining (albeit in a different configuration) the xTag's high degree of portability! I've had less than 2 days to use it so far, but I'm completely sold on the results.

"SpeechWare TravelMike - Physicians Review"

David on 9/11/2014 4:39:52 PM

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Review Description: After an initial rough start (defective TravelMike mini gooseneck microphone - a rare occurence; and Dragon User Profile set up issues - my fault), I am pleased to have the SpeechWare TravelMike doing extraordinarily well on its own User Profile in green mode. I am amazed at how well DMPE2/TravelMike does at learning pronounciation and new vocabulary; it usually needs only one correction to learn my pronounciation or new vocabulary. It seems to me to do better at many of the common troublesome w... More details